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Trees Are Cool

Trees Are Cool

  • Become a member

  • Learn to Grow Fruits Trees

  • Take a workshop

  • Become A Tree Steward

    Become A Tree Steward

  • Become A Tree Steward

    Growth Degree Days

“The Tree Steward course offered by RITree is well worth any nature enthusiast’s time. John and Craig’s expertise, experience and enthusiasm filled each class with valuable information, and made the course an enjoyable learning experience. Robin ensured that all administrative matters were handled seamlessly and Andy and Martha were gracious hosts for our final, in-field class on their thriving property.”

~ Mary Louise Mesquita City Green.

“I have attended several of the RI Tree Council Thursday afternoon Skills Workshops this spring and have learned so much. Thank you, John and Craig, for sharing all you know about trees and shrubs — identifying and selecting, planting and pruning. I now walk my yard and my neighborhood with a new appreciation for the trees I used to take for granted. Thank you for offering this valuable service.

~ Iris Westcott”


Since forming in 1991, we have created numerous programs and activities to meet our goals. Our programs, which encourage the public’s participation in statewide efforts, include Tree Stewardsand Fruit Tree Programs, the Champion Tree Registry, and the Arbor Day Tree Planting Program. They also include the Big Tree Conservation and the Tree Honoring Troops programs.


RITree is always looking for volunteers to help with its projects. A few hours a day is all RITree asks from volunteers, who can set up their own schedules. Volunteers not only contribute to the upkeep of the state’s urban forestry but also learn about good tree care.


RITree has tree care projects all over the state. These projects are good chances for volunteers to learn about plant care. Ourprojects are fun and easy to do. A nice change, they can help boost a volunteer’s mental health and chase away any cabin fever leftover from COVID-19 pandemic.


RITree has numerous events throughout the year. The public can often attend these events for free. The group’s biggest event is its Arbor Day Celebration in April. It honors the individuals and communities in Rhode Island that made significant contributions to urban forestry during the year.

Tree Care

RITree offers a variety of educational resources that provide up-to-date information on tree care. They provide the latest tips and techniques for keeping plants healthy and growing. These resources include our Tree Care Videos, Tree Care Instructional, Tree Stewards Course, and our Plant Pest Alerts.

Tree Stewards

This program is our most popular educational event. Held in the fall and in the spring at locations throughout Rhode Island, this course reviews the basics of tree care and tree growth. It includes in-class lectures and hands-on outside workshops held on Saturdays

Big Trees

Big trees are special. That’s why we have a program designed specifically for their care. Big Trees provide numerous advantages that truly benefit the public. They shade houses and block the wind. They can increase a home’s value and capture pollution. Plus, they absorb traffic noise and prevent soil erosion.


RITree is supported by membership dues, sponsorships gifts, and non-profit grants. Membership offers individuals a chance to help improve Rhode Island’s tree resources and learn about urban forestry. An endowment campaign is also underway to support its educational programs, resources, and outreach programs.

News & Notes

RI Tree Announces Site for Arbor Day 2025

RI Tree recently announced the date and site for its Arbor Day 2025 celebration, which will be held at the Providence Country Day (PCD) School, East Providence, RI, on April 25th, starting at 11:00 a.m. The event includes a tree-planting ceremony on PCD grounds, lunch, speakers, and a Tree City USA Awards presentation to the […]

USDA Updates Plant Hardiness Map

The United States Department of Agriculture (USA) recently unveiled a new iteration of its Plant Hardiness Map for the United States. The new map shows that the contiguous United States is about 2.5° F. warmer than the previous 2012 map, meaning about half the country has shifted into another half-zone. It also means that many […]


There is an abundance of beautiful flowering trees to choose from. In this series we will highlight one tree at a time to become familiar with. Fringe Tree, Chionanthus virginicus Fringe trees have been growing in popularity over the years due to their beauty, hardiness and longevity. Their name comes from the stunning floral display […]

RITree’s Flowering Tree Spotlight

There is an abundance of beautiful flowering trees to chose from. In this series we will highlight one tree at a time to become familiar with. Crabapple, Malus Spp. A great choice if you are looking for a compact tree that brings year round interest. Gorgeous spring buds, handsome summer foliage, and great fall color […]

Planting Guide

So, you’ve just made the best decision of your life: to plant some trees! Maybe you’ve pick out the tree species and are just realizing wait – when should I plant this, where should I plant this… HOW should I plant this?! Well fear not, as the Rhode Island Tree Council has done this roughly […]


Unlock Cooler Cities Now:Essential Tips for Tackling Urban Heat Islands

March 3, 2025
New England is America’s second-most urbanized area, with more than 80% of its people living in cities. While cities provide New England residents with many benefits, they also experience higher-than-average temperatures and more intense heat extremes. A 2020 study, for example, showed that average temperatures in Providence’s less-vegetated neighborhoods could be more than 12 degrees hotter […]

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