Trees Honoring Troops

Allyn Bosworth, Lieutenant Commander – United States Coast Guard

Trees Honoring Troops
Why Donate A Tree?
- Commemorative planting.
- Memorial planting to respect and honor members of the military service.
- Celebrate a special occasion: anniversary, birthday, promotion, ect..
- Support a family member or friend in military service.
- To say thank you for giving invaluable service to our country.
- A general donation to add beauty and shade for years to come to public facilities.
How Do I Order?
Just complete the donation form below and use your credit card to pay $350.00. An acknowledgment will be sent to you either by email or post card as soon as your donation has been processed.
Don’t delay any longer! Honor the past and present members of the United States military in a very special way.
Order now and plant a legacy tree through TREES HONORING TROOPS.
Tree Planting Certificate
A ‘Certificate of Authenticity’ ready for framing will be sent to the donor after the sapling has been planted. The certificate will identify the name of the donor and the recipient. It will also cite the planting location, tree type and planting date. To assist with finding your tree, the certificate will also come with a photograph showing the actual planting location complete with GPS coordinates.
The Tree, The Location, The Caring
The plant will be shade or ornamental tree. The final selection will be based on site suitability. The tree will be a high-quality, nursery grown specimen between 8 to 10 feet in height. Trees purchased before February 1 will be planted the following spring, April 1 thru May 30; any tree purchased after this date will be planted in the fall, September 1 thru October 15. The planting location in parks or cemeteries* can be chosen by the donor or by RITree.
All program trees will be maintained for 3 years after installation. Care will include annual mulching, pruning and watering. All of these services will be performed by RITree or their affiliates.
Plant a legacy tree
Trees Honoring Troops
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